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Item Діяльність таємних організацій першої чверті ХІХ ст. у підросійській Україні: сучасна історіографія(Переяслав-Хмельницький (Київcька обл.), 2016-02-23) Волкова, Оксана Юріївна; Volkova, Oksana YuriivnaДисертація присвячена аналізу процесу нагромадження історичних знань про зародження, діяльність і занепад таємних організацій у підросійській Україні першої чверті ХІХ ст. Запропоновано конкретизацію історіографічної періодизації історії таємних організацій зазначеного періоду. Завдяки вивченню широкого історіографічного матеріалу досліджено відображення в сучасній науковій та науково-публіцистичній літературі засад виникнення, становлення і розвитку таємних масонських організацій на українських землях. Виявлено основні напрямки досліджень сучасними науковцями руху декабристів в Україні. Розкрито погляди вітчизняних та зарубіжних учених на діяльність національних організацій періоду 1800–1825 рр., які знаходилися на території сучасної України. Запропоновано переосмислити висновки дослідників таємних товариств першої чверті ХІХ ст. у діаспорі та поглибити аналіз висвітлення у науковій літературі взаємостосунків декабристів, масонських лож та організацій національного спрямування, які діяли на території українських земель у першій чверті ХІХ ст. The dissertation is devoted to the process of accumulation of historical knowledge about the origin, activities and decline of secret organizations in Ukraine in the first quarter of the nineteenth century. Through the study of a broad historiographical material it is studied reflected in the modern scientific and journalistic literature of scientific bases of origin, formation and development of Masonic secret organizations on the territory of Ukrainian lands in first quarter of the nineteenth century. The basic research areas of modern scientists Decembrist organizations operating in the territory of Ukrainian lands first quarter of the nineteenth century. Reveals the views of contemporary domestic and foreign scholars on the activities of national organizations 1800-1825 period, operated on the territory of Ukrainian lands. The problems of perspective investigations on history and historiography of the secret organizations was outlined.Item Наукова діяльність Михайла Грушевського в українській історіографії(2021) Романцова, Н. І.; Romantsova, N.У дисертації в контексті соціогуманітаристики здійснено комплексний історіографічний аналіз творчої, науково-організаційної, видавничої, педагогічної, публіцистичної діяльності М. Грушевського – видатного репрезентанта української національної історичної науки та державного діяча кінця ХІХ – першої третини ХХ ст. у різні періоди його життя. Проаналізовано стан наукової розробки проблеми. З’ясовано, що історіографічні рефлексії наукової діяльності М. Грушевського в українській історіографії простежується з кінця ХІХ ст. до нашого часу. Сформовано репрезентативну джерельну базу дослідження. Сформульовано методологічні засади написання дисертації та з’ясовано, що для теоретичного осягнення об’єкта і предмета роботи найбільш придатним видається поєднання елементів постмодернізму, зокрема парадигм інтелектуальної історії, соціокультурної історії, історії генерацій, квантитативних методів історичних студій. Здійснено темпоральне квантитативне дослідження великого масиву публікацій, присвячених науковій діяльності М. Грушевського. The dissertation presents comprehensive historiographical analysis of creative, archaeographical, science-facilitating, publishing, pedagogical and journalistic activities carried out by Mykhailo Hrushevskyi, a prominent representative of Ukrainian science and statesman of the late 19th-the early 20th century in various periods of his life. It is proved that historiographical research practices applied by Hrushevskyi experts to the scientist’s scientific activities are an important trend of Ukrainian humanitaristics. They embrace the Caucasian period in the formation of his intellectual biography and the years of his learning at the history and philology department of Kyiv St. Volodymyr University when his scientific views were being formed as well as Lviv and Lviv/Kyiv periods of the late 19th-the early 20th century which were distinguished by his work at Lviv University, scientific development of Ukraine’s national history, creation of Lviv Historical School, organizational and publishing activities at T. Shevchenko Scientific Society and at the Ukrainian Scientific Society, which was combined with active journalistic activity. Attention is paid to the fact that Hrushevskyi experts also pay attention to the Russian exile at the time of World War I as well as to the combination of Mykhailo Hrushevskyi’s scientific, political and publicist activities in the stormy years of the Ukrainian Revolution at the time of the fight for renovation of Ukraine’s nationhood, tohis work at Ukrainian Sociological Institute at the time of his emigration and at All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in the last years of his life when the scientist exerted efforts for the sake of scientific, organizational and publishing work, overcoming the counteraction exercised by the Bolshevik power and academic bureaucracy. It is emphasized that Ukrainian scientists analyze Mykhailo Hrushevskyi’s role in founding Scientific Research Chair of History of Ukraine at All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences from different methodological positions. Hrushevskyi experts emphasize the scientist’s publishing work in “The Notes of T. Shevchenko Scientific Society”, “Literary and Scientific Reporter”, the Journal “Ukraine” of various periods and his participation in the activities carried out by Kiev Historical School. The author has defined the Ukrainian scientists’ reflection in terms of various aspects of Hrushevskyi’s multifaceted scientific legacy, which has revealed his titanic working capacity and the scientist’s influence on all the spheres of Ukrainian scientific life. It is defined that in his multiple works, he formulated and was developing the brand new concept of Ukrainian national history as well as the national narrative. He was one of the first ones in Ukrainian historiography to develop the generalizing overview of the world literature and history of Ukrainian literature, combing history and sociology. The extent of the problem’s scientific exploration is analyzed. It is stated that the historical reflections of Mykhailo Hrushevsky’s scientific activities in Ukrainian historiography are traced since the late 20th century until nowadays in studios led by the scientist’s contemporaries and reviewers, such as D. Bahalii, M. Vasylenko, V. Herasymchuk, D. Doroshenko, S. Yefremov, M. Korduba, I. Krypiakevych, S. Tomashevsky and I. Franko, in works by Soviet scientists, such as O. Kasymenko, M. Petrovsky, M. Rubach, V. Sarbei and F. Yastrebov, in works by historians of the Ukrainian diaspora, such as L. Vynar, I. Vytanovych, O. Dombrovsky, V. Doroshenko, D. Doroshenko, A. Zhukovsky, I. Lysiak-Rudnytsky, O. Ohloblyn and O. Prytsak, in works by modern Ukrainian scientists, such as H. Burlaka, V. Vaschenko, I. Verba, O. Vladyha, I. Hyrych, V. Hotsuliak, Ya. Hrytsak, Ya. Dashkevych, V. Zaruba, L. Zashkilniak, Ya. Kalakura, O. Kopylenko, M. Kucherenko, Ye. Luniak, Ya. Malyk, V. Masnenko, S. Pankova, V. Pedych, R. Pyrih, S. Plohii, G. Srelsky, V.V. Telvak, V.P. Telvak, V. Khomenko, O. Yurkova, Yu. Shapoval, F. Shevchenko, O. Yas and others. The representative source basis of the research is formed, such as Ukrainian scientists’ historiographical studios from the late 19th century till nowadays, peer reviews presenting the reflection of Mykhailo Hrushevsky’s texts, synthetic biographical texts compiled by Hrushevsky experts, paperwork, media reports, sources of special origin, documents from the National Archives of Ukraine and from the Manuscript Institute of the National V. Vernadskyi Library of Ukraine as well as from an archival institutional of the Russian Federation. The modern methodological basis for writing the dissertation is formulated and it is determined that in order to theoretically understand the object and the subject of the research, it is the combination of elements of post-modernism, in particular combination of the paradigms of intellectual history, socio-cultural history, history of generations and quantitative methods in analyzing historical studios that appears to be the most suitable one. The defined methodological approaches presuppose analysis of various aspects of thescientist’s legacy through his intellectual biography and socio-cultural environment, which makes it possible to present a comprehensive overview of Ukrainian historiography of his scientific activities. Temporal quantitative research of a great number of publications concerned with M. Hrushevsky’s scientific activities is carried out. Using the quantitative methods, the general dynamics of historiographical studios concerned with M. Hrushevsky’s scientific activities as well as the peculiarities of various periods in development of Hrushevsky studies and the trends thereof are defined. It is proved that since the late 19th until the early 21st century Ukrainian historiography has preserved the steady scientific interest in the highlight of multifaceted activities carried out by M. Hrushevsky as a scientist as well as a representative of Ukrainian national historiography and science facilitator who implemented the innovative approaches of European scientists of his time in the Ukrainian intellectual field.Item Радянське суспільство в УРСР у червні 1941 – липні 1942 рр. : історіографія(Переяслав-Хмельницький (Київcька обл.), 2016-02-12) Гула, Володимир Дмитрович; Hula, Volodymyr DmytrovychУ дисертації досліджено відображення в науковій літературі основних сфер буття суспільства УРСР з 22 червня 1941 р. по 22 липня 1942 р., а також розглянуто інтерпретації радянської соціально-політичної дійсності зазначеного періоду в історичній науці. Проаналізовано повноту й об’єктивність відображення в історіографії комплексу наукової літератури та джерел з даної проблеми. Виявлено і простежено в динаміці розвиток наукових інтерпретацій взаємовпливів і взаємовідносин суспільства та влади в УРСР в червні 1941 – липні 1942 рр. Проведено історіографічний аналіз оцінок місця та ролі силових структур в радянському суспільстві зазначеного періоду. Розглянуто історіографію окремих соціально-професійних груп радянського суспільства, узагальнено погляди різних наукових шкіл на соціальну стратифікацію в СРСР. Визначено сформовані в історіографії погляди на етнонаціональну структуру радянського суспільства, місце національного питання в політиці ВКП(б) та радянського уряду в зазначений період. The dissertation studied the reflection in the scientific literature the main spheres of life of society of the USSR from 22 June 1941 to 22 July 1942, and analyzed the interpretation of the Soviet social and political reality of this period in history Science. The author analyzed the completeness and objectivity of the display in the historiography of the scientific literature and sources on this issue. It identified and traced in dynamics of the development of scientific interpretations and mutual relations between society and the authorities in the USSR in June 1941 – July 1942. A historiographical analysis estimates place and role of security forces in Soviet society given period. In Soviet historiography this problem does not stand out as a separate subject of study. Officially adopted was the idea of cooperation between security forces and society, the absence of the Soviet state repressive and punitive measures in respect of the general population. Western historiography has paid to this problem much more attention, but suffered from a lack of resources (to 1991). Contemporary Western historiography as well as Ukrainian developing in the context of the problem through the joint. Opening the archives has allowed security services to investigate the activities of the NKVD of the Ukrainian lands in 1941 in many aspects: evacuation of prison control the mood of the population, the organization of the guerrilla movement, the actions of the NKVD on the front. In historiographic material followed ideological constants especially the formation of Soviet society in their dialectical relation with Marxist-Leninist ideology and traditional religious cults peculiar because a particular region of Ukraine. In the USSR, focusing on religious denominations and their connection with the government policy, changes in official ideology was politically impractical. The event, in terms of the Cold War, in contrast felt public demand for such studies. Western scholars in the construction of the findings were based on works of art, materials official publications, the decision of higher authorities USSR. They reached the conclusion that radical ideological reorientation official Soviet ideological values. Now for the main Soviet citizen becomes State's own defense against enemies, regardless of their social class, not the struggle for world socialist revolution. Analyzed the historiography of certain socio-professional groups of Soviet society, identified the major achievements and mistakes in this area, summarizes the views of different scientific schools of social stratification in the USSR. Soviet historiography focuses on the study of some of its components: workers, peasants, intellectuals. Foreign historiography did not put Soviet society is certainly endowed with a number of specific features, some special provisions. It is considered as a whole, with an attempt to expose contradictions and factors that contribute to its unity. Stratification considered in terms of its submission, the absence of private property different approach was impossible. Determined formed in historiography views on ethno-national structure of Soviet society, the place of the national question in politics VKP(b) and the Soviet government during this period. In Soviet historiography issues related to social and ethnic substructure Soviet society not investigated because tacit recognition of the final solution of the national question in the Soviet Union. Western and modern Ukrainian historiography are in positions of recognition of the existence of the USSR national ethnic hierarchy that kept unity and multi-ethnic state.Item Соціально-економічні та соціокультурні процеси в містах Наддніпрянської України в 1785–1917 рр.: історіографія(2021) Бондаренко, О. В.; Bondarenko, O.У дисертації вперше в історичній науці здійснено комплексне історіографічне дослідження історії соціально-економічних та соціокультурних процесів в містах Наддніпрянської України в 1785–1917 рр. Проаналізовано основні етапи, напрями та особливості наукового розроблення проблеми, виявлено та проведено аналіз історіографічних праць, систематизовано й класифіковано джерельний комплекс, охарактеризовано теоретико-методологічні основи дослідження. З’ясовано погляди науковців на таку важливу та недостатньо досліджену методологічну проблему як наукове визначення поняття «місто», його типологія та функціональне призначення. Зроблено акцент на дослідженнях історії формування та еволюції міських самоврядних інституцій, фінансової діяльності органів міського самоврядування; охарактеризовано історіографію розвитку міської промисловості та торгівлі в містах Наддніпрянщини в окреслений період; розкрито ступінь дослідження основних міських станів – купецтва та міщанства, благодійну діяльність міської еліти. Визначено недостатньо вивчені аспекти теми та окреслено перспективні напрями подальших наукових досліджень. Analysis of historiographic research on the history of socio-economic and sociocultural processes in the cities of Dnieper Ukraine in 1785–1917. showed that this topic has not yet become the subject of a special generalizing historiographic study. Only some aspects of this complex problem have become the subject of research, necessitating its deep and comprehensive study. In the dissertation work, for the first time in historical science, the state and trends of more than 230-year research of the history of socio-economic and socio-cultural processes in the cities of Dnieper Ukraine in 1785-1917 are analyzed in detail. The leading stages, directions and specific features of the research of the topic are determined. Periodization of the problem is carried out in accordance with the development of historical thought and modern theoretical and methodological foundations of historiography. There are three main historiographic periods of scientific development of the problem: imperial – the end of the 18th – the beginning of the 20th century; Soviet – 1920s – 1991 and modern – 1991–2021, characterizing the priority trends in the historiography of the study of urban history. The dissertation revealed, analyzed, systematized and classified sources for the period from the last quarter of the 18th century to 2021, revealed their information potential. A wide range of new historiographic sources have been introduced into scientific circulation, on the basis of which the key aspects of the problem under study are considered. A wide range of sources made it possible to analyze the reflection in the scientific literature of the main directions of socio-economic and socio-cultural processes in the cities of the Dnieper region during the imperial period. The achievements of scientists in substantiating the conceptual foundations of the history of cities are characterized. The contribution of scientists to understanding the formation and evolution of urban self-government, socio-economic and socio-cultural development of cities is determined. The peculiarities of the historiographic interpretation of the problem in the scientific literature of the last quarter of the 18th – early 21st centuries and changes in its study at various historiographic stages have been clarified. The main factors that influenced the development of research on the problem raised have been determined. The achievements of scientists in substantiating the conceptual foundations of the history of cities have been established. The contribution of scientists to understanding the formation and evolution of urban self-government, socio-economic and socio-cultural development of cities is determined. The peculiarities of the historiographic interpretation of the problem in the scientific literature of the last quarter of the 18th – early 21st centuries and changes in its study at various historiographic stages have been clarified. The main factors that influenced the development of research on the problem raised have been determined. The practical significance of the dissertation work lies in the fact that the results obtained, substantiated conclusions and practical recommendations significantly expand modern knowledge of the history and historiography of socio-economic and socio-cultural processes in the cities of Dnieper Ukraine in 1785-1917. and, accordingly, will contribute to the intensification of research both on this issue and related and related topics. The provisions and conclusions of the dissertation work can be used in the lecture and methodological support of academic disciplines for applicants for higher education in the specialty "History and Archeology", in particular, "Historiography of the History of Ukraine", "Historical Regional Studies", "Historical Urban Studies", "Modern History of Ukraine" ... Among the least developed in historiography issues of the history of socio-economic and socio-cultural processes in the cities of the Dnieper Ukraine in 1785-1917, which require further study, the following are highlighted: issues of the formation and development of urban self-government; the place of city self-government bodies in the system of provincial and district power state structures; the relationship of city financial and public institutions; the daily routine of city government officials; clarification of their role in the social and cultural life of urban communities. Comprehensive historical and historiographic studies of the history of socio-economic processes in Ukrainian cities using comparative tools can be promising areas for further study of the problem raised; studios on the socio-cultural development of the urban society, in particular the everyday life of the townspeople, the mentality of the urban strata; study of the history of corporate merchant societies and self-government bodies of the merchant class; characteristics of the socio-psychological portrait of urban strata; intrafamily relations in a merchant and bourgeois family; traditions of family upbringing and education, values; organization of leisure and entertainment in the merchant and bourgeois environment.Item Фальшивомонетництво на українських землях (1795–1917 рр.)(2021) Бойко-Гагарін, А. С.; Boiko-Haharin, A.У дисертації вперше комплексно розглянуто проблему фальшування грошей в Україні в період перебування території під владою Російської, Австрійської, Австро-Угорської та Османської імперій у 1795–1917 роки. Як передумову виникнення підробок грошей подано характеристику грошовому господарству, доповнену маловідомими історичними фактами. Проведено комплексне дослідження всіх складових процесу фальшування грошей: окреслено фінансові диверсії іноземних емітентів, визначено особливості фальшивомонетництва у Царстві Польському, виявлено підробки іноземних грошових знаків. Розглянуто соціальний аспект фальшивомонетництва, описано технологічні процеси виготовлення підробок та надано оцінку процесу державної протидії підробці грошей. Представлено соціальний портрет фальшивомонетників, визначено регіональні особливості цієї проблеми. Дисертація є першим спеціальним дослідженням історії фальшивомонетництва в Україні, обґрунтованим на аналізі широкого ряду різнопланових джерел: матеріалів архівів, періодичної преси, музейних та приватних зібрань, більшість яких вводиться до наукового обігу вперше. The dissertation considers comprehensively for the first time the problem of money counterfeiting in Ukraine during the rule of the Russian, Austrian, Austro- Hungarian and Ottoman empires over Ukrainian territories in 1795–1917. As a prerequisite for the appearance of counterfeit money, a brief preamble on the history of the region’s economy is given, supplemented with obscure facts. A comprehensive study of all components of the counterfeiting process has been completed: outlining the financial sabotage by foreign issuers, highlighting the features of counterfeiting in the Kingdom of Poland, revealing counterfeits of foreign currency. The social aspect of counterfeiting is considered; the technological processes of counterfeit money manufacture are outlined; the process of state counteraction to counterfeiting is assessed; the social portrait of counterfeiters is given; the regional peculiarities of this problem are traced. It has been established, that during the researched period, the counterfeiters have successfully falsified almost all of the most popular samples of coins and paper banknotes among the population. Persons who smuggled coins illegally and imported inferior coins from abroad were treated equally to counterfeiters themselves. The most popular samples for counterfeiting money of the Russian Empire among banknotes are 25 rubles, and less frequently – 10, 5 and 3 rubles; among coins, silver rubles and kopecks were counterfeited more frequently, less often gold rubles – 5 and 10. Most often a coin of 20 kopecks was used as a sample for counterfeiting. In the Austrian and Austro-Hungarian empires, 20 kreutzer coins became the most common pattern for counterfeiting, and after the reform, counterfeiting trends changed – the most popular prototypes for counterfeiting were 20 hellers, 5 and 1 korones. Evidence points that the most common forged banknotes were pre-reform 1 and 10 guldens, and in the 20 th century – 10, 20, 50 and 100 korones. It has been established that the object of counterfeiting in the Kingdom of Poland was not only the all-imperial Russian coin, but also its own regional coin, as well as the coins of neighboring Prussia, which were available in circulation. The 10 groschen coin of the 1840 model can easily be called one of the most popular coins of its time. Numerous evidence of double zloty counterfeit has been collected in Volyn and Polissia. Since 1735, the Russian Empire has secretly established the production of high- quality imitations of Dutch gold ducats. During the Russo-Turkish War of 1806–1812, the St. Petersburg Mint produced imitations of the Turkish kuruş to be used for supplying the army at the Danube theater of operations. On a private initiative, counterfeiters in the Russian Empire also used coins from France and Italy, and in the Austrian and Austro-Hungarian empires – large silver coins from Romania, France, Switzerland, and the United States have been forged. Some counterfeit money has been smuggled out of China. The full technological chain of the coin and paper banknote counterfeiting process has been reliably determined, starting with the search for appropriate raw materials (tin, mercury, watermarked paper) and ending with error correction (coating the surface of coins with faux precious metal, imitation of signatures and series on paper banknotes). Often the description of the equipment, the list of tools, as well as the technical characteristics of the counterfeit coins can be found on the pages of periodicals, the sequences and features of the technical implementation of these processes in the production of counterfeit money are revealed in the interrogations of detained and convicted counterfeiters, some of which were preserved in archival materials. Emphasis is placed on the differences in the counterfeiting processes in the Russian, Austrian and Austro-Hungarian empires. The main factor here was the practice of established imitation of foreign coins at the state level in the Russian Empire, whereas in the Austrian and Austro-Hungarian empires foreign coin became a prototype for private forgery more often; falsification according to the prototype of regional financial emissions is characteristic of the Russian Empire exclusively. The technical processes of counterfeiters of the two empires also had differences in the choice of metal for counterfeit coins. The phenomenon of counterfeiting acquired new traits during WWI – like the increase in the number of counterfeit paper banknotes. We can assume, with a high degree of probability, that due to increasing demand for coins caused by the financial crisis brought upon by wartime, that most of the known samples of counterfeit coins were made during the Great War. A wide variety of securities have been forged: winning tickets of the 1 st domestic government loan, postage stamps, food cards, promissory notes, etc. Technologically, the degree of complexity was even slightly lower, and the potential amounts of counterfeit bills sometimes reached impressive proportions. The spread of counterfeit credit bills and coins has forced the authorities to ban the imagery of money and securities in printed media. A comprehensive analysis of the sources allowed us to establish the topography of areas with the highest concentration of counterfeit money – those are Kyiv, Odesa, Lodz and in the 1880s, the Podillia region. As for the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the presence of counterfeit has been detected throughout Galicia: in Brody, Hlyniany, Horodenka, Beryslav, Drohobych and Stanyslaviv. Counterfeit sales often took place in Lviv, Sudova Vyshnia and Berdychiv. Determining the social aspect of counterfeiting in the Russian Empire era (line of work, nationality of counterfeiters, their age, features of vocabulary, etc.) is very important; It was established that the people most often involved with counterfeiting were: blacksmiths, engravers, locksmiths, printers, photographers, etc. In terms of ethnicity, it was established that counterfeiters have been predominantly Jewish. The measures taken by the authorities against counterfeiting have arguably not been fully effective in achieving their goal. With the termination of capital punishment for counterfeiters in the 19 th century. the number of such crimes decreased compared to the number of counterfeit currency available in circulation, although the attribution of bounties for exposing counterfeiters created a precedent for accusations against innocent people – personal enemies or competitors of the accuser. The established system of information spreading, which pertained sending government securities from the Expedition to provincial centers and later to enterprises with significant cash turnover did not yield significant results. This dissertation is the first special study of the history of counterfeiting in Ukraine, based on the analysis of a wide range of different sources: archive cases, periodical literature, museums and private collections – most of which are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.