How to train professional translators
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Домбровська Я. М.
The article deals with the problem of professional translators training under modern circumstances which Ukrainian universities face today. The article defines main problems of translation training methodology. This list is not intended to be the main, but the highlighted problems seem to be the most indicative: 1) Aspects of translation training methodology. 2) Interdisciplinarity of the translation training method. 3) Practical problems. 4) Lack of generally accepted metalanguage. 5) Tranlsation Lecturers Training. We have found out that mandatory training is necessary to ensure quality in translation and to prevent potential negative consequences associated with poor quality translation. This leads to a lack of uniformity in the qualification of translators and, as a result, to defects in their work. It would be unfair to blame translators if the system itself allows them to work without professional education. In fact, the translation task is complex and requires training. We have stated in this article that creators of translation programmes and courses face the following challenges: recruitment of qualified teachers, recruitment of students with adequate language skills, choice of teaching content and teaching methods. Since this discipline is in the process of development, it is very difficult to find staff with the necessary education, and with the constant changes in the world, it is difficult to find teachers who know new foreign languages that are needed. It is also difficult to find students with sufficient entry level. These two obstacles have a negative impact on the content and effectiveness of the courses. The study has found out that for the education to meet professional requirements, translation should be taught by professional translators. They know the nuances and requirements of the profession and can define the content of the training. In terms of teaching, practical and methodological issues arise, since good practices are not always good teachers and their employment does not always allow for regular classes. Different views of foreign and native professionals have also been taken into consideration and proposed to implement into the Ukrainian curicullum. У статті розглядаються основні проблеми методики навчання перекладу. Проведений аналіз показує, що на сьогодні ця наука характеризується відсутністю загальноприйнятої методологічної бази та єдиних концептуальних підходів. Навчання перекладачів залишається відірваним від практики, «інтуїтивним», а не науково обґрунтованим. Підкреслюється, що подальший розвиток методики навчання перекладу має бути спрямованим на рішення позначених у статі проблем. Для прикладу пропонується німецька схема навчання перекладу.
translation, translators training, language knowledge, methodology, переклад, навчання перекладачів, знання мови, метолодогія
Skliarenko O. How to train professional translators / O. Skliarenko // Теоретична і дидактична філологія : зб. наук. праць / МОН України, ДВНЗ ПХДПУ ім. Г. Сковороди ; редкол.: М. І. Навальна, О. Д. Кулик, Л. П. Летюча [та ін.]. - Переяслав (Київ. обл.) : Домбровська Я. М., 2020. - Серія: Педагогіка. Вип. 32. - С. 60-68.