Дмитро Чижевський як історик національного літописання

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Домбровська Я. М.


Розвідка присвячена дослідженню результативного внеску Д.Чижевського в аналіз художньої наповненості давніх літописів за допомогою використання стилевого методу аналізу. Важливим висновком є твердження про національне літописання XI-XIII сторіч в тому, що їхні автори – високоосвічені, добрі знавці Біблії, античної, візантійської літератур, творів Гомера, Йосипа Флавія, Георгія Амартола, Іоана Малали, візантійського хронографа, «Олександрії», особливо популярної в князівському середовищі, а образи Олександра Македонського, Дарія, відтворені в ній, як і образ Геркулеса, були близькими та зразковими для наших полководців-князів. The article is devoted to the study of D.Chyzhevsky’s contribution to the analysis of the artistic filling of ancient chronicles through the use of the stylistic method of analysis. An important conclusion is the assertion of the national chronicles of the eleventh and thirteenth centuries that their authors are highly educated, good connoisseurs of the Bible, ancient, Byzantine literatures, works by Homer, Joseph Flavius, George Hamartol, Joan Malalai, the Byzantine chronograph, Alexandria, especially popular in the princely environment, and the images of Alexander of Macedon, Darius, reproduced in it, as well as the image of Hercules, were close and exemplary for our princes. As for the brief history of national writing, D.Chyzhevsky, analyzing the historical and aesthetic canvas of the chronicles of the eleventh and eighteenth centuries, adequately and convincingly characterized the artistic value and originality of memorials, revealed the crucial importance in their creation of the high erudition available to the authors, the thorough knowledge of the history of Ukrainian and foreign, in particular of ancient, literatures; emphasized in the chroniclers the literary ability, heroic and patriotic abilities, national centrism and moral and religious nobility, attachment to traditions, a part of the literary and chronicles, which contributed to the writing of majestic epic paintings addressed to the depicted and described heroes of works. The historian of literature has convincingly proved that such a long-term development of the genre of the chronicles (XI-XVIII centuries) was facilitated by the content-artistic perfection of «The Tale of the Past Years», the talent of its founders, Nikon, Nestor, Sylvester, whose own work, the idea of unity of Russia in the struggle against internal and external enemies, which remained urgent throughout all subsequent centuries, and a significant conservatism of the genre, focused on the upbringing of historical generic, national, cultural memories, laid the solid foundations for the development of our entire national first literature which convincingly demonstrate chronicles, historical fiction themes XIX-XXI centuries. The own «History of Ukrainian Literature», the level and conclusions of the analysis of the chronicles D.Chyzhevsky scientifically reasonably developed the principle of national centrist, founded in his medieval works by M. Maksymovych and confirmed by the formation and development of our literary thought. In them, the doctrine proved that in the analysis of ancient writing, chronicles must use a stylistic approach to express their artistic, their aesthetic nature and value. The new thought of the scientist was his noteworthy that the chronicles have signs of the classical direction, characteristic of the works of the elite princely-Sarmatian and Cossack-Kozar tribes.



Дмитро Чижевський, літописи, художня форма твору, стилевий метод аналізу, результативний аналіз, Dmitry Chyzhevsky, chronicles, artistic form of the work, style method of analysis, effective analysis


Корпанюк М. Дмитро Чижевський як історик національного літописання / М. Корпанюк // Теоретична і дидактична філологія. Серія: Філологія : зб. наук. праць. Вип. 27 / МОН України, ДВНЗ ПХДПУ ім. Г. Сковороди ; ред. рада: М. П. Корпанюк, К. І. Мізін, М. І. Навальна [ та ін.] ; редкол.: С. Т. Кіраль, В. І. Коваль, М. П. Корпанюк [ та ін.]. - Переяслав-Хмельницький (Київ. обл.) : Домбровська Я. М., 2018. - С. 41-54.
