Західноєвропейська епістолярна публіцистика кінця ХVІІІ – початку ХІХ ст. та її роль у становленні романтизму
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Домбровська Я. М.
У статті зазначається, що поява романтизму
супроводжувалася надзвичайно «бурхливим самоутвердженням»
(Н.Копистянська), що не могло не позначитися на жанровій системі цього
літературного напряму. Як наслідок, у добу романтизму суттєвого розвитку
набуває публіцистика. Зброєю у боротьбі поміж класиками і романтики
нерідко ставали листи, зумисне опубліковані на сторінках тогочасної
періодики. Така зброя була надзвичайно оперативною у полеміці між
класиками і романтиками, масовою, високоточною і вбивчою, якщо взяти
до уваги вільний (фактично – уседозволяючий) жанр листа. Із полемічною
метою жанр листа використовували Г.Клейст, Г.Гейне, А. де Віньї,
А.Мандзоні. Romanticism appearance was accompanied by
extraordinarily «stormy self-affirmation» (as N. Kopystianska), that could not
affect genre system of this literary direction. As a result, in time of Romanticism
in Europe general substantial development of publicism could be seen, in
particular epistolary publicism. Letters that were often intentionally published
on the pages of the periodicals and therefore addressed to a wide, target audience
became a kind of weapons in the struggle among the classics and the
Romanticism. Such methods were extremely operative in the controversy among
the classics and the romantics, they were mass, high-precision and murderous,
taking the expediency of romantic irony and free (in fact, permissive) genre of
writing into consideration. Among the epistolary journalism of the Romantics
we can find open letters addressed to the real addressee, but there were also
letters in which the addressee and the addressee were absolutely conventional.
At the same time the authors tried to use a variety of hoaxes. As a result they
created a wide variety of fiction letters, which entirely cooperated with the
romantic theory. For example G. Kleist used the genre of letter with polemical
purpose. In his «Letter of Young Poet to Young Artist», he opposed the old
classicist school in an accessible way opposes and substantiates romantic
principles of absolute freedom of creativity personality, which should prevail in
art. In «Letter of Young Poet to Young Artist» G. Kleist opposes the classic
principle of imitation. The German Romantic writer H. Heine repeatedly referred to the letter genre, in particular in his letters «About the French Stage» he sought
to present his vision of the French theater art, and at the same time, his views of
romantic art. The use of the epistle characterizes creative work of the French
romantic A. de Vigny, who began the struggle for a new (romantic) drama in the
late 20-ies of the XIX century. It is said in «The Letter to the Lord ***. About the
opening night that took place on October 29, 1829, and about the dramatic
Working on the theoretical substantiation of Romanticism, Italian
romantic D. Bershe also addressed the form of the letter in his work («The Half
Serious Letter from Slatoust to Son»). The Italian writer A. Mandzoni joined this
discussion and took Romantics side in his «Letter to Mr. SH. about the time unity
and place».
епістолярна публіцистика, полеміка, романтизм, лист, epistolary journalism, romantism, letter, controversy
Свириденко О. Західноєвропейська епістолярна публіцистика кінця ХVІІІ – початку ХІХ ст. та її роль у становленні романтизму / О. Свириденко // Теоретична і дидактична філологія. Серія: Філологія : зб. наук. пр. / редкол.: М. І. Навальна, О. Д. Кулик, Л. П. Летюча [та ін.]. - Переяслав (Київ. обл.) : Домбровська Я. М., 2020. - Вип. 32. - С. 125-132.