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    Теоретичні та методичні засади формування конфліктологічної компетентності майбутніх учителів іноземних мов у процесі професійної підготовки
    (2021) Поліщук, Г. В.; Polishchuk, H.
    Дисертацію присвячено актуальній проблемі вивчення теоретичних і методичних засад формування конфліктологічної компетентності майбутніх учителів іноземних мов у процесі професійної підготовки. У дисертації визначено основні контексти й причини педагогічних конфліктів у закладах вищої освіти; критерії, структурні компоненти, рівні сформованості конфліктологічної компетентності майбутніх учителів іноземних мов у процесі професійної підготовки. Розроблено авторську концепцію формування конфліктологічної компетентності майбутніх учителів іноземних мов у процесі професійної підготовки на основі взаємопов’язаних парадигм (гуманістично-розвивальної, вітакультурної, компетентнісної). Запропоновано три групи педагогічних умов формування досліджуваного феномена: психолого-педагогічні, дидактичні та організаційно-педагогічні. Розроблено й апробовано концептуальну модель формування конфліктологічної компетентності майбутніх учителів іноземних мов у процесі професійної підготовки. The dissertation is devoted to the currently central problem of studying the theoretical and methodical bases of conflictological competence formation of future foreign language teachers in the process of professional training. The criteria (presence of conflictological knowledge and skills, formation of positive motivation, presence of certain behavioral forms and strategies of conflict resolution), structural components (cognitive-reflexive, motivational value, operational-corrective), levels of conflictological competence formation of future foreign language teachers in the process of professional training (high, average, low) and basic contexts (cross-cultural, communicative, intrapersonal); the main causes of pedagogical conflicts in higher education institutions are determined. The work presents the author’s interpretation of the basic concepts of the research: conflictological competence (ability and readiness to minimize destructive forms of conflict and give them a socially positive direction); conflictological competence of future foreign language teachers (integrated personal notion based on the system of scientific knowledge about the conflict, skills, practical experience of conflict resolution, which are purposefully developed in such contexts of conflictological training of higher education institution as cross-cultural, communicative and interpersonal). The common and distinctive features of the concepts «conflict competence» and «conflictological competence» are considered. The author's concept of conflictological competence formation of future foreign language teachers in the process of professional training based on three interconnected paradigms (humanistic-developmental, vitacultural, competence) is developed. Methodological approaches to the research problem are determined: humanistic, axiological, systemic, competence, environmental, personal-activity, communicative and strategic-conflictological. Three groups of pedagogical conditions are offered, namely: psychological and pedagogical, corresponding to ensuring the transformation of socially significant values into particular value priorities of the personality; didactic, providing expansion of conflictological knowledge of the students in the process of psychological and pedagogical disciplines teaching and the organization of cooperation in dialogization of educational process; organizational and pedagogical, ensuring the inclusion of the use of mediation as modern technology for the conflictological competence formation in the process of professional situational training of conflict direction, the development of skills and abilities to prevent and avoid bullying. A conceptual model of conflictological competence formation of future foreign language teachers in the process of professional training is developed. All blocks of the model are interconnected, and the model itself became the basis for testing the developmental program of the studied phenomenon formation (motivational and stimulating, professional and practical, reflexive-corrective stages). The effectiveness of the developmental program of conflictological competence formation of future foreign language teachers in the process of professional training is proved by comparing the results of the ascertaining and educational experiments, determining its positive dynamics using the methods of mathematical statistics i.e. comparing the levels of conflictological competence of future foreign language teachers of experimental and control groups; determination of Pearson’s correlation coefficient (probability level < 0,01) X 2 > X 2 r. = 12,10 > 9,21 for the probability level α=0,01.
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    Система підготовки майбутніх викладачів професійного навчання із застосуванням інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій у процесі вивчення фахових дисциплін (транспорт)
    (2021) Ребенок, В. М.; Rebenok, V.
    Дисертацію присвячено актуальній проблемі підготовки майбутніх викладачів професійного навчання щодо застосування інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій у процесі вивчення фахових дисциплін. Розкрито особливості застосування інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій під час навчання, зокрема: посилення цілеспрямованості, підвищення інтенсивності виконання завдань; поглиблення мотивації; підвищення інтересу до навчальної діяльності; збільшення інформативності занять; прискорення темпу навчальних дій; активізація навчально-пізнавальної діяльності майбутніх викладачів; удосконалення форм організації навчально-виховної діяльності; розвиток навичок і вмінь самоосвіти й самовиховання; активізація навчальної діяльності педагога. Визначено й обґрунтовано педагогічні умови та розроблено модель підготовки майбутніх викладачів професійного навчання у процесі використання інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій на заняттях із фахових дисциплін. Визначено критерії і рівні сформованості знань та умінь із використання інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій майбутніми викладачами (високий, середній, низький) та обґрунтовано математичні методи, за допомогою яких експериментально перевірено ефективність розробленої моделі використання інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій у процесі підготовки майбутніх викладачів професійного навчання. The dissertation is devoted to the actual problem of preparation of future teachers of professional training on application of information and communication technologies in the process of studying of professional disciplines. Domestic and foreign scientific sources on the research problem and normative documents are analyzed and generalized. The structure of modern education, based on new information and communication technologies, with its subsystems – theoretical and methodological, technological, pedagogical, organizational and economic – is revealed. Methodological problems and psychological and pedagogical bases of using information and communication technologies by future teachers of professional training are determined. Methods and organizational forms of training in the process of using information and communication technologies are analyzed. The didactic aspects of increasing the efficiency of professional training of future teachers are revealed and the principles of realization of professional training of future teachers during the application of information and communication technologies in the process of studying professional disciplines are determined. The study identified the features of the use of ICT in the teaching of special disciplines in higher education, in particular: the integration of efforts of software developers to create multifunctional learning tools that provide the ability to adapt to the requirements of a particular higher educational establishment; modern ICTs are a significant addition to traditional forms of education, they increase the efficiency of classes; informatization of education leads to significant changes in forms and methods of teaching; the greatest pedagogical effect is achieved under the condition of complex use in the educational process of the possibilities of ICT tools during the organization of various forms of educational activity; the introduction of computers into the educational process does not lead to the displacement of the teacher or reduction of his role. The consequences of the use of information and communication technologies during training are determined, in particular: strengthening of purposefulness, increase of intensity of performance of tasks; deepening motivation; increasing interest in educational activities; increasing the informativeness of classes; accelerating the pace of learning activities; intensification of educational and cognitive activities of future teachers; improving the forms of organization of educational activities; development of skills and abilities of self-education and self-education; intensification of educational activity of the teacher; structure, components of professional training in the process of application of information and communication technologies by future teachers in classes on professional disciplines. It has been found that the introduction of computers into the educational process changes the role of teaching aids used in the teaching of professional disciplines, and the use of information and communication technologies transforms the learning environment in which the learning process takes place. It is established that the basis for the formation of a modern concept of professional training of future teachers of higher education in the system of development and use of information and communication technologies are several sources. The effectiveness of telecommunications networks in education is mainly determined by the types of network service and network technologies used, and the formation of knowledge and skills on the basics of electronic equipment of modern cars in the classroom should be carried out on a scientific basis using ICT, interdisciplinary links, teachers in the process of studying professional disciplines. Information and communication technologies are divided into: hardware (personal computer and its main components, local and global networks, modern peripherals); software (system, application, tool, universal). The pedagogical conditions are defined and substantiated and the model of preparation of future teachers of professional training in the course of use of information and communication technologies at employment on professional disciplines is developed. It was found that the use of information and communication technologies by future teachers of vocational training in the study of professional disciplines in higher education institutions is ensured by the creation of a holistic system of pedagogical conditions. The pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the use of information and communication technologies by future teachers in the study of the transport industry are based on three main provisions: the functioning of the system can be investigated by analyzing the structural and functional relationships between elements; the organization of the system is possible due to the management and control over the elements that make it up; the organization of the system is subject to a specific goal that determines its functioning. The use of information and communication technologies as a means of teaching and learning is appropriate in the context of various organizational forms, such as: training and practical exercises, modeling, consultations and seminars, educational network systems, hypermedia programs. A model of training future teachers of professional training in the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process in classes of professional disciplines, which consists of four blocks (target, content, technology, performance and evaluation) and implements the following functions: information, information and representation, educational, systematizing, transformational, integrative, coordinating, consolidation and control, developmental and educational, consultative. The levels of formation of knowledge and skills in the use of information and communication technologies by future teachers are determined: high, medium, low and mathematical methods are substantiated, which experimentally tested the effectiveness of the developed model of information and communication technologies in training of future teachers.
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    Теоретичні і методичні засади підготовки майбутніх учителів до інноваційної виховної діяльності у процесі педагогічної практики
    (2020) Онищенко, Н. П.; Onyshchenko, N.
    Дисертацію присвячено актуальній проблемі вивчення теоретичних і методичних засад підготовки майбутніх учителів до інноваційної виховної діяльності у процесі педагогічної практики. Визначено критерії (мотиваційна і цільова спрямованість, системність знань, усвідомленість власних можливостей, продуктивна технологічність і креативність), структурні компоненти (мотиваційно-орієнтаційний, когнітивно-рефлексивний, креативно-практичний) і показники готовності майбутніх учителів до інноваційної виховної діяльності; основні принципи організації практики, недоліки її проведення, шляхи вдосконалення. Проаналізовано світовий досвід проведення педагогічної практики. Розроблено авторську концепцію професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів до інноваційної виховної діяльності в процесі педагогічної практики на основі трьох взаємопов’язаних концептів (методологічного, теоретичного, методико-технологічного). Визначено методологічні підходи до проблеми дослідження: системний, діяльнісний, компетентнісний, аксіологічний, акмеологічний, контекстний, середовищний, студентоцентрований. Запропоновано дві групи педагогічних умов, а саме: організаційно-педагогічні, що відповідають забезпеченню зовнішніх умов організації педагогічної практики, і психолого-педагогічні, що забезпечують внутрішні умови підготовки майбутніх учителів до інноваційної виховної діяльності у процесі педагогічної практики. Розроблено концептуальну модель професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів до інноваційної виховної діяльності в процесі педагогічної практики. Усі блоки моделі взаємопов’язані, а сама модель стала основою для апробації розвивальної програми формування досліджуваного феномена (аксіологічний, квазіпрофесійний, практичний етапи). Ефективність упровадження розвивальної програми професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів до інноваційної виховної діяльності в процесі педагогічної практики доведена шляхом порівняння результатів констатувального й формувального експериментів, визначення її позитивної динаміки за допомогою методів математичної статистики. The dissertation is devoted to the actual problem of studying theoretical and methodological bases of preparation of future teachers for innovative educational activity in the process of pedagogical practice, as during the practice the process of professional formation and self – determination of a specialist is activated, professionally significant personality qualities are developed. Practice results are considered as an indicator of students' readiness for professional activity. The purpose of the study is to develop and experimentally approve a conceptual model of preparing future teachers for innovative educational activities in the process of pedagogical practice. In the dissertation on the basis of the developed conceptual and terminological apparatus of research («professional preparation of the future teacher for educational activity», «innovative activity in the field of education»; «readiness of the teacher for innovative educational activity»; «innovative educational environment of higher education», «educational institution of higher education competence») it has been proved that the result of vocational training is readiness, and the result of pedagogical education is competence in the specified field. The research has determined that it is innovative-educational competence that is the end result, which is formed during life on the basis of the readiness of future teachers to innovational-educational activity in school, which implies the development of a number of competences (cognitive-educational; constructive-educational; reflexive-evaluational). The criteria (motivational and target orientation, systematic knowledge, awareness of one's own capabilities, productive technological and creative), structural components (motivational-orientation, cognitive-reflexive, creative-practical) and indicators of future teachers' readiness for innovation have been defined. It has been found out that the formation of future teachers' readiness for innovative educational activity is carried out in the conditions of the innovative educational environment of the institution of higher education as a system of objective external influences and spiritual-material conditions of personality formation, which opens new opportunities for the organization of educational work, self-realization, self-improvement of students, development of their personal and professional qualities. The innovative educational environment of higher education institutions (basic tasks, principles of education in institutions of higher education, directions of educational activity of institutions of higher education, components of innovative educational environment, educational mechanisms, indicators of culture of educational process, organization of independent work of students) has been characterized. Pedagogical practice in the study is presented as a form of organization of professional training of future teachers, which involves consolidation of theoretical knowledge, acquisition and improvement of practical skills, formation of certain competences, education of professionally important qualities, as well as self-improvement ones. The basic principles of organization of practice, shortcomings of its practice, ways of improvement have been determined, the world experience of conducting pedagogical practice have been analyzed. The author's concept of professional preparation of future teachers for innovative educational activity in the process of pedagogical practice is developed on the basis of three interconnected concepts (methodological, theoretical-methodological and technological). Based on the humanistic paradigm and taking into account the achievements of modern theory and methods of professional education, the following methodological approaches to the problem of research have been defined: systemic, activity, competence, axiological, acmeological, contextual, environmental, student-centered. Two groups of pedagogical conditions have been proposed, namely: organizational-pedagogical, which corresponds to providing external conditions of organization of pedagogical practice and psychological-pedagogical, which provides internal conditions of preparation of future teachers for innovative educational activity in the process of pedagogical practice. The conceptual model of professional preparation of future teachers for innovative educational activity in the process of pedagogical practice has been developed. It is determined that the model should be growing - from the bottom to the top and it should reflect all the constituent models in three block structure: methodological-target, process-technological and diagnostically-efficient. All blocks of the model are interrelated, and the model itself became the basis for testing of the development program of formation of the phenomenon under study (axiological, quasi-professional, practical stages). Formation experiment in the framework of the development program has been carried out according to certain methodological and technological tools, which includes the introduction into practice of innovative educational technologies (design, health saving, game educational), modern forms and methods of education (lectures, discussions, evenings, meetings and meetings , trainings, educational events, themed holidays, forums, etc.). The effectiveness of implementation of the developmental program of vocational training of future teachers in innovative educational activity in the process of pedagogical practice is proved by comparing the results of ascertaining and formative experiments, determining its positive dynamics using methods of mathematical statistics.