Зразюк, З. О.Zraziuk, Z.2021-06-072021-06-072021Зразюк З. О. Мінц-кабінет Київського університету св. Володимира: становлення, діяльність та доля колекції (1834 – 1930-ті рр.) [Текст] : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня канд. іст. наук : [спец.] 07.00.06 "Історіографія, джерелознавство та спеціальні історичні дисципліни" / Зінаїда Олексіївна Зразюк ; [наук. кер. В. М. Орлик] ; М-во освіти і науки України, Держ. ВНЗ "Переяслав-Хмельниц. держ. пед. ун-т ім. Григорія Сковороди". - Переяслав (Київ. обл.), 2021. - 20 с. - Бібліогр.: с. 15-17 (18 назв).http://ephsheir.phdpu.edu.ua:8081/xmlui/handle/8989898989/5740У дисертації досліджується історія одного з найвизначніших центрів вивчення нумізматичних пам’яток – мінц-кабінету Університету св. Володимира. Робота побудована на залученні опублікованих і неопублікованих архівних джерел, що зберігаються в архівних, наукових і музейних установах Києва. У процесі дослідження встановлено фактично, що хронологічним початком заснування мінц-кабінету університету можна вважати видання наказу Державного попечителя Київського навчального округу Є. фон Брадке у вересні 1833 р. про передачу майна всіх закритих після польського повстання 1830–1831 рр. навчальних установ до складу новоствореного Київського університету св. Володимира. Впродовж 1834–1835 рр. Київський університет отримав нумізматичні колекції Кременецького (Волинського) ліцею – 19 939 екз. та Віленського університету – 2784 екз. З 1835 р. починається створення Нової Київської колекції, яка в 1915 р. складалася з 61 798 монет і медалей. Після встановлення в Україні більшовицької влади у 20-рр. ХХ ст., долею нумізматичної колекції університету з 1924 р. опікувалась Всеукраїнська археологічна комісія при Всеукраїнській академії наук. У 1936 р. нумізматична колекція університету була передана до фондів Центрального історичного музею (зараз Національний музей історії України) та припинила своє існування, як окрема установа. This dissertation studies the history of one of the most prominent centers for the study of numismatic artifacts – the Coins Cabinet of the University of St. Volodymyr. The study of history of one of the most prominent centers for the study of numismatic - the Coin Cabinet of the University of St. Volodymyr is a neglected subject among scholars. There is still not any comprehensive study in the national historiography of the impact of this scientific institution, and this makes the chosen topic relevant and important. For most researchers both archival sources and numismatic collection of the university were inaccessible for a long time. That is why the history of the Coin Cabinet and the composition of its collection were not included in the priority directions of scientific research. A many years work with the attribution and arrangement of numismatic collection, as well as research of the history of its shaping undertaken by the the Department of the Numismatics at the National Museum of History of Ukraine, has laid the ground for making a synthesizing research of the history of this oldest and largest numismatic collections in Ukraine. For the first time in Ukrainian historical scholarship, a systematic and comprehensive analysis of all available sources related to the history of the Coin Cabinet of University of St. Volodymyr is presented. In the process of working on the topic, a substantial number of sources stored in a range of archives, and museum institutions of Kyiv was discovered, a considerable selection of them have been published by the author for the first time. The discovered documents includes correspondence of the Coin Cabinet with the Board and the University Council and the office of the Kyiv, Volyn and Podil governor-general, personal files of custodians as well as annual reports. An important source for the history of the Cabinet is the archive kept at the National Museum of History of Ukraine. The most relevant documents shed light on the history of shaping of the collection, namely, inventory books of both the collection of the Krzemieniec Lyceum (partially preserved) and the New Kyiv Collection. The author arrives at the conclusion that the order of the State Trustee of the Kyiv educational district E. von Bradke issued in September 1833 on the transferring of property of all educational institutions closed after the Polish uprising of 1830–1831 to the newly established Kyiv University of St. Volodymyr should be considered as the beginning of the establishment of the Coin Cabinet at the University. During 1834–1835, the University of Kyiv received numismatic collections of the Krzemieniec Lyceum - 19,939 items, and Vilnius University - 2,784 items. In 1835, the New Kyiv Collection was established and in 1915 it consisted of 61,798 coins and medals. In the dissertation it is proved that the main sources of replenishment of the New Kyiv collection were donations and acquisitions from private individuals and collectors. Among donators we learn the names of famous scientists, statesmen, collectors, as well as ordinary citizens such students, town people, peasants, teachers, etc. From the second half of the 19th century coin auctions of Western European countries has become an important source for acquiring of new items. One more important source of replenishment of the collection of the Coin cabinet were hoards. Hoards largely contributed to the shaping of collections of Roman coins, Old Rus coins and hryvnas, medieval coins, Polish and German coins from the 16th and 17th century, currency from the periods of the Muscovy fragmentation and the Russian Empire. The main tasks of custodians’ work consisted of the study of compositions of hoards and their publication. As a result of their work, between 1838 and 1908 286 hoards has become recorded. The vast majority of deposits dated from 1th until 18th century derive from various places of Kyiv, Volyn and Podil provinces. The vast majority of publications of custodians dealt with the examination of compositions of hoards, their systematization, as well as the attribution of coins of the deposits. The character of the publications was mainly descriptive typical for the numismatic of the 19th century. The compiling of systematic catalogs (the Vilnius and Kremenets collections) and their publication have become an important output of the scientific work of the keepers of the Coin Cabinet. At the end of the 19th - at the beginning of the 20th century Volodymyr Antonovich published first catalogs of Greek and Roman coins. The dissertation highlights the role of the Coin Cabinet of St. Volodymyr's University as the first public museum in Kyiv. Since 1848 it was open to visitors every Thursday. The Coin Cabinet and the scientific work of its custodians had contributed to the awakening of public interest to the historical past of the region, which in turn, led to the emergence of first collectors of antiquities, and first numismatic society in Kyiv. The systematized collection of the Coin Cabinet has become widely known in scientific circles. It was an important resource for such prominent scholars as N. Mazurkevich, E. Gutten-Chapsky, С. Fren, B. Dorn, A. Kunnik, I. Tolstoy, J. Iversen, N. Bilyashevsky, С. Bolsunovsky and many others. In the 1920s, after the establishment of Bolshevik rule in Ukraine, University of St. Volodymyr was reorganized into the Institute of Public Education. Since 1924 the University’s numismatic collection has been under control of the Ukrainian Archaeological Commission of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. In 1936 after a decade of relocations and changes of owners, the numismatic collection of the university was transferred to the funds of the Central Historical Museum (now the National Museum of History of Ukraine). As a result, the Coin Cabinet of the University of St. Volodymyr ceased to exist as a distinctive collection.otherмонетимедаліскарбинумізматична колекціяКиївський університет св. Володимирамінц-кабінет Університету св. Володимиранумізматична колекція Віленського університетунумізматична колекція Кременецького (Волинського) ліцеюІнститут Народної освітиВсеукраїнська археологічна комісія при Всеукраїнській академії наукЦентральний історичний музейНаціональний музей історії УкраїниCoinsmedalstreasurenumismatic collectionKiev University of St. Volodymyrthe Coins cabinet of the University of St. Volodymyrnumismatic collection of Kremenets (Volyn) Lyceumnumismatic collection of Vilnius Universitythe Institute of People's EducationUkrainian Archeological Commission at the Ukrainian Academy of Sciencesthe Central Historical MuseumThe National Museum of the History of UkrainМінц-кабінет Київського університету св. Володимира: становлення, діяльність та доля колекції (1834 – 1930-ті рр.)The Coin Cabinet of Kyiv University of St. Volodymyr: its shaping, activity and fate of collection (1834 – 1930)Thesis