Багно, Ю. М.Bahno, Yu.2018-10-292018-10-292018Багно Ю. Педагогічний досвід В. Сухомлинського в освітньому процесі Нової української школи / Ю. Багно // Humanitarium : зб. наук. пр. Т. 41. Вип. 2. Педагогіка / МОН України, ДВНЗ "Переяслав-Хмельниц. держ. пед. ун-т ім. Г. Сковороди" ; голов. ред. В. П. Коцур ; редкол.: Р. Андерсоне, М. С. Вашуленко, Л. В. Волков [та ін.]. - Переяслав-Хмельницький (Київ. обл.); Ніжин (Чернігів. обл.) : Лисенко М. М., 2018. - С. 7-13.http://ephsheir.phdpu.edu.ua:8081/xmlui/handle/8989898989/3203У статті розкрито педагогічний досвід В. Сухомлинського в освітньому процесі Нової української школи. Доведено, що розвиток потенціалу кожної людини, розкриття її здібностей, задоволення потреб в інтелектуальному, духовному, моральному й фізичному розвитку є актуальною проблемою сучасності. У цьому контексті цінними є педагогічні надбання В. Сухомлинського: неповторність та цінність кожної людини, повага в поєднанні з вимогливістю, мудра влада педагога над дитиною, довіра дитини до педагога, обережність з обвинуваченнями, індивідуальний підхід, розвиток творчих здібностей дитини. Recognition of the value of the individual in a complex of its individual characteristics, independently, which they have character in the global world is the main engine of the development of society. The development of the potential of each person, the disclosure of his abilities, the satisfaction of needs for intellectual, spiritual, moral and physical development is an actual problem of our time. In this context, V. Sukhomlinskyi's pedagogical achievements are valuable, which the teacher's task considered studying individual manifestations of students' development, their inherent and unique features, individual abilities and inclinations. The main ideas of V. Sukhomlinsky on the formation of the younger generation are: the inimitability and value of each person, respect in combination with demand, the wise authority of the teacher over the child, the child's trust in the teacher, caution with accusations, individual approach, development of the child's creative abilities. The realization of the individual approach V. Sukhomlinskyi theoretically substantiated and practically implemented through the differentiation of training. Its main principles were as follows: the development of mental abilities of schoolchildren; assistance in raising the intellectual level of the student body; achieve the results of "weak" students at a certain stage, at least one subject; the establishment of mutual benevolence in the lesson between the teacher and the students; facilitating the work of the teacher due to the effective and feasible employment of all children. Values of V. Sukhomlinskyi are valuable in organizing the educational process and teaching children with a reduced ability to learn. These councils acquire special importance in the process of training with psychophysical disorders (autism, mental retardation, mental retardation), which have a reduced ability to learn: a slow response to external stimuli, problems in memorizing and reproducing the educational material, rapid fatigue, the inability to concentrate for a long time his attention to a certain kind of work, to distribute attention, switch and concentrate it. In his work with children with reduced ability to learn V. Sukhomlinskyi advises to develop cognitive abilities and strengthen the memory of such a child; To assess only if educational success is achieved; and in no case allocate a child. The choice of forms, methods, methods and means of education in accordance with the individual characteristics of the individual, is a prerequisite for the successful education of a child with special educational needs in a general educational institution. V. Sukhomlinskyi saw effective forms of an individual approach in conducting conversations face to face on various topics; division of the class into several groups, depending on the intellectual abilities of the students; conducting lessons of thinking for junior schoolchildren in nature; solving problems on a specially concluded collection; Reading on a specially designed reader; writing fairy tales; poetic creativity; creative handmade.otherНова українська школаіндивідуальний підхідосвітній процесдиференціація освітнього процесуNew Ukrainian schoolindividual approacheducational processdifferentiation of educational processПедагогічний досвід В. Сухомлинського в освітньому процесі Нової української школиPedagogical experience V. Sukhomlinskyi’s in the educational process of the New Ukrainian SchoolArticle