Благодійність козацької старшини (середина ХVІІ – ХVІІІ ст.) : сучасна українська історіографія

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Лукашевич О. М.


Здійснено комплексне дослідження стану наукової розробки теми в сучасній українській історіографії; відображено основні етапи, напрями й особливості вивчення історії благодійності козацької старшини (середина ХVІІ – ХVІІІ ст.); виявлено, систематизовано і класифіковано історіографічні джерела з проблеми та встановлено об’єктивність їх джерельної інформації; охарактеризовано основні теоретико-методологічні підходи дослідження теми. Розкривається історіографічно-термінологічна сутність понять «благодійність», «доброчинність», «меценатство», «філантропія», «спонсорство». Висвітлено питання відображення благодійності гетьманів сучасною українською історіографією. З’ясовано особливості дослідження вітчизняною історіографією благодійної діяльності кошових отаманів Запорозької Січі як соціокультурного феномену та охарактеризовано погляди науковців на благодійність генеральної і полково-сотенної старшини. Окреслено на основі наявних праць недостатньо вивчені аспекти, визначено напрями майбутніх дослідницьких пошуків. The complex research of the state of scientific treatment in contemporary Ukrainian historiography was realized; the main phases, directions and peculiarities of the study of the history of the Cossack chieftain’s charity were represented (in the middle of ХVІІ – ХVІІІ centuries); it was discovered, systematized, categorized historiographycal resources with their problems and it was established objectivity of their source information; the main theoretical and methodological approaches of the research ot the theme were described. Historiographycal and theoretical nature of the conceptions «charity», «beneficence», «patronage», «philanthropy», «sponsorship» are discovered. These terms have synonymic character. The first three have foreign origin, the last two have Ukrainian origin. On the basic of analysis of the native historical experience it was established, that charity has centuries-old traditions. Contemporary researchers are unanimous, that viewing on specificity of historical development of Ukraine, traditions of national charity are described by their originality and uniqueness (Cossack charity) and are more asynchronous in relation to others, including Russian, scale. Charitable activity of Cossack era, as an organic component of the multifaceted activitiy of the Ukrainian elite, should be interpreted as a certain policy of cultural and spiritual realm. The essence of this activity was not in the charity as such, it was rather a public duty, an indispensable attribute of belonging to the elite, a conscious state position, aimed at creating a cultural environment that would correspond to the high standards. Charity of 23 Cossack officers was a sociocultural phenomenon of its time. National Liberation War of the Ukrainian people, the mid-seventeenth century, which had a significant impact on the sociocultural processes in the Ukrainian lands, changed also the mental and consciousnessly dimensions of the contemporary society. Adoption in the scale of valuable reference points the idea of national state, the formation of a new political elite, national identity impact also on social consciousness and way of thinking of various segments of Ukrainian society. An important part of all these processes was the charity of representatives of the Cossack elite, in particular, of its Hetmans. In modern Ukrainian historiography is the most investigated a versatile charity of Hetmans B. Khmelnytsky, I. Mazepa, K. Rozumovsky. There are first works about charitable activity of hetmans D. Apostol, D. Mnohohrishny, P. Polubotko, I. Samoilovych, I. Skoropadsky. Research the issue of charity of Cossack chieftains of Zaporizka Sich is at an early stage nowdays. The scientists emphasize among the whole galaxy of philanthropists of Cossack era Cossack chieftain of Zaporizka Sich P. Kalnyshevsky. The researchers learned the wealth of income of Zaporozhian leader, the sources of their origin. Historians are unanimous, that Zaporozhian leader was a consummate philanthropist and builder of Ukrainian culture. At the time of P. Kalnyshevsky, there had been formed a new generation of Zaporozhian elders, who participated in the management of Cossack affairs and charitable activities. According to the calculations of modern researchers, by P. Kalnyshevsky were personally built and renovated more than 30 temples. Modern domestic researchers are actively studying the question of the structure, individual composition, genealogies, biography milestones and activities of the General, regimental and centesimal Cossack officers. In recent years researchers are increasingly turning to the issue of their charity. Among the regions the most studied are Kyiv, Chernihiv, Poltava and Sumy. Do not avoid the scientists also the charity in Hetmans' capitals, regimental and centesimal towns. The fundamental edition «Ukraine – Cossack State» (K., 2004) includes information about more than 200 such charitable actions. According to the number of published works concerning this problem, they are second only to those who are devoted to charity of Ukrainian Hetmans. Charitable activity of Cossack officers in mid-seventeenth – eighteenth century is reflected in modern Ukrainian historiography more often. However, despite the interest in the issue of charity, described question has not been the subject of an integrated and comprehensive special study, although some of its aspects have been touching the domestic and foreign scholars. Works with regional character, diaspora authors’ researches need more deep study; the number of gaps regarding certain milestones of biographies of the hetmans, their charity, and reflection of that in national historiography must be filled; there are virtually no researches the charity of Cossack chieftains of Zaporizka Sich (except P. Kalnyshevsky); charitable activities of nongovernmental elders are completely dropped out of sight of modern scholars and so on.



сучасна українська історіографія, історіографічний процес, вітчизняна історична наука, козацька старшина, благодійна діяльність, соціокультурний феномен, козацька еліта, Гетьманщина, Запорізька Січ, modern Ukrainian historiography, historiographical process, national historical science, Cossack elders, charitable activity, sociocultural phenomenon, the Cossack elite, Hetmanschyna, Zaporizka Sich


Коцур В. А. Благодійність козацької старшини (середина ХVІІ – ХVІІІ ст.) : сучасна українська історіографія [Текст] : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня канд. пед. наук : [спец.] 07.00.06 "Історіографія, джерелознавство та спеціальні історичні дисципліни " / Віта Анатоліївна Коцур ; [наук. кер. В. Й. Борисенко] ; М-во освіти і науки України, ДВНЗ "Переяслав-Хмельниц. ДПУ ім. Григорія Сковороди". – Переяслав-Хмельницький (Київcька обл.), 2013. – 23 с. – Бібліогр.: с. 19-21 (25 назв).