Гуманітарні науки в західних областях УРСР (1944–1991)
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Переяслав-Хмельницький (Київcька обл.)
У дисертації комплексно здійснено системний аналіз функціонування
гуманітарних наук у західних областях УРСР у 1944–1991 рр., окреслено
перспективи дослідження цієї тематики. Висвітлено становище гуманітарних наук в
умовах ідеологізації наукового життя, критично проаналізовано проблематику
досліджень основних наукових осередків – Інституту суспільних наук АН УРСР,
Музею етнографії і художнього промислу АН УРСР, спеціалізованих вищих
навчальних закладів Львова, Івано-Франківська, Тернополя, Чернівців, Ужгорода,
Луцька та Рівного. Розглянуто суспільно-політичні умови розвитку гуманітарних
наук та результати наукової діяльності істориків, філософів, філологів,
мистецтвознавців регіону. З’ясовано здобутки вчених у галузі історичного
краєзнавства, історії філософської думки, історичної лексикографії та діалектології,
фольклористики, українського музикознавства та художнього мистецтвознавства.
Висвітлено заходи влади щодо залучення вчених-гуманітаріїв до громадсько-
політичної діяльності з метою утвердження ідеалів соціалістичного ладу. Показано,
що мотивацією до цієї праці були як пропагандистські заклики, соціальні ритуали і
норми радянського життя, так і перспективи отримати зростання кар’єри і
матеріальних благ.
The dissertation deals with a systematic analysis-based inquiry into the state of the
humanities in the western oblasts of the Ukrainian SSR in 1944–1991 and with well-
grounded features of its perspective. The research highlights the humanities in conditions
of scientific life ideology, so does the paper focus on problems research into the main
scientific centers – Social Sciences Institute of the Academy of Science of the Ukrainian
SSR, the Museum of Ethnography and Crafts of Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian
SSR, specialized higher educational establishments in Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil,
Chernivtsi, Uzhhorod, Lutsk and Rivne. The specific feature of historical science
development since the mid 50-s and the first half of the 60-s in the XX-th century was its
close relation with the ideological and propaganda tasks of the party; with the works
dedicated to anniversary dates, state leaders, October revolution, the united western
Ukrainian lands with the Ukrainian SSR as being part of the Soviet Union, the victory in
the Great Patriotic War.
Social and political conditions, the results of scientific works by historians,
philosophers, philologists, regional artists, have also been subject to investigation, as well
as scientists’ contributions to the fields of historical ethnography, the history of
philosophical idea, historical lexicography and dialectics, folklore, the Ukrainian music
and art studies. It is emphasized that special attention is paid to make the region soviet, to
the history of the working class and peasantry, to social and economic, and cultural
changes. The basic achievement of historiography was the work about the history and
culture of the Ukrainian western region named «The Triumph of the historical truth. The
natural unity of the western Ukrainian lands in indivisible Ukrainian Soviet country»
(1968) by Social Sciences Institute of the Academy of Science of the Ukrainian SSR and
also there were historical studios headed by I. Krypiakevych, O. Terletskyi which were
devoted to the history of Galitsia-Volyn principality and Zaporozhian Cossacks. Ukrainian
publishing and special historical disciplines by Ya. Isaievych, O. Matsiuk, V. Havrylenko,
R. Zvarych, foreign Ukrainian studies by Ya. Dashkevych were of great importance then.
It is proved that at post-war time archeologists started to make archeological maps
where ethno cultural oblasts, cultural and territorial regions were specified. Since 1950-s
much light is shed on the study of the workers’ way of life and on collective farmers in the
Ukrainian SSR. As a result, there were regional editions «The History of Towns and
Villages in the Ukrainian Soviet Social Republic» in many volumes, essays, the opening
of museums in Lviv and Uzhhorod.
Scientists-philosophers studied problems of Ukrainian national and cultural
regeneration of the end of the XVI-th – the beginning of the XVII-th cent., the way of
study in Ostroh Academy, in Lviv and Kyiv brotherhood schools, analyzed polemists’
philosophical views. Connoisseurs in religion published archeological works ordered by
the authority, held sociological questionnaire not often approved by authorities, which, as a rule, were not ignored. Due to philologists of the region, the compilation of the historical
dictionaries in Ukrainian, urgent issues in dialects started to be worked out.
It is found out that most researchers’ works involved in fine arts are characterized
by national character despite of constant authorities’ pressure and control; new
interdisciplinary approaches to music comprehension were carried out; the problems of
genre composition, specific features of genre and thematic groups in musical folklore were
specified; much focus was concentrated on methodology of folk-song creation, its
classification, folk epos and instrumental studies. There was a considerable professional
increase in musical criticism and publishing.
It is revealed that authorities took measures to draw scientists-humanitarians into
social and political activity with the aim of socialistic ideals confirmation. It is pointed out
that motivation was as propaganda, social rituals and standards of the soviet life as the
opportunity of promotion in career and prosperity.
гуманітарні науки, наукові осередки АН УРСР, кафедри вищих навчальних закладів, західні області УРСР, ідеологізація наукового життя, the humanities, scientific centers of the Academy of Science of the Ukrainian SSR, departments in higher educational establishments, the western oblasts of the Ukrainian SSR, scientific life ideology
Гуменюк Т. І. Гуманітарні науки в західних областях УРСР (1944–1991) [Текст] : автореф. дис. на здобуття ступеня доктора. істор. наук : [спец.] 07.00.07 "Історія науки й техніки" / Тетяна Іванівна Гуменюк ; [наук. кер. М. Р. Литвин] ; М-во освіти і науки України, ДВНЗ "Переяслав-Хмельниц. ДПУ ім. Григорія Сковороди". – Переяслав-Хмельницький (Київcька обл.), 2016. – 36 с. – Бібліогр.: с. 33-37 (36 назв).