Розвиток загальної середньої освіти Туреччини (початок XX – перша чверть ХХІ століття)

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Дисертація є комплексним дослідженням проблеми реформування загальної середньої освіти Туреччини з метою розвитку ключових компетентностей молоді та забезпечення її конкурентоспроможності на світовому ринку праці. У дисертації досліджено теоретичні та історико-педагогічні аспекти розвитку загальної середньої освіти Туреччини; визначено і обґрунтовано періодизацію становлення середньої освіти країни у ХХ і ХХІ ст.; розглянуто зміст та організаційно-методичні особливості загальних закладів освіти на різних рівнях (початковій, середній, старшій та професійній). Визначено позитивний педагогічний досвід реформування середньої освіти Туреччини і можливості його використання в Україні (на загальнодержавному, міжнародному, регіональному, галузевому рівнях); розроблено робочу навчальну програму курсу «Розвиток загальної середньої освіти Туреччини (початок XX – перша чверть ХХІ століття)» для магістрів та аспірантів. The dissertation is a comprehensive study on the problems of general secondary education reformations. In the context of the rapid development of the knowledge society and the lack of theoretical understanding of the experiences of foreign countries, in particular Turkey, these problems become significant for the formation of key competencies of young people and ensuring of their competitiveness in the world labor market. The dissertation work consists of annotations in Ukrainian and English, a list of symbols, an introduction, three sections, conclusions to each section, general conclusions, a list of sources used and appendices. The dissertation examines the theoretical and historical-pedagogical aspects of the formation and development of general secondary education in Turkey from beginning of the 1900s to first quarter of the 2000s. Based on the analysis of scientific works and historical events, a historiography of the problem under study was made. This describes the works of prominent scientists and historians of Turkey since the Ottoman Empire, when the foundations for the development of general secondary education in the country were laid. Based on the theoretical analysis of scientific literature, the essential features and content of the basic concepts of research are clarified and analyzed. It is found out that the concept of «development of education» in pedagogical theory and practice is presented as a multifunctional phenomenon and is considered with the help of various sciences: philosophy, sociology, pedagogy, psychology. This made it possible to define it from different positions. It is also noted that the beginning of the XXI century in the world is marked by significant transformations in education, especially with regard to the processes of its globalization and internationalization. It is established that the modern education system of Turkey (for the year 2020), in accordance with the law on education No. 6287 of 2012, is close in structure to the educational systems of Europe, the United States and other economically developed countries. This system, as in Ukraine, includes formal and informal education. The organization of formal secondary education in Turkey provides for the use of both collective and individual forms of education. After analyzing historical events and legislative documents that influenced the formation and development of education in Turkey, we structured and described its legislative support. The analysis of normative legal documents, scientific and pedagogical literature, content, forms and methods used in the course of general secondary education in Turkey makes a point. Improving and developing the content of general secondary education in Turkey continues from the time of the Ottoman Empire to the present day. It is carried out under the influence of socio-political, socio-economic and cultural changes. This gave us the opportunity to define and theoretically justify the periodization of the development of General secondary education in Turkey (the beginning of XX – first quarter of XX1 century) in which we conditionally identified five stages: the first – (1839 – 1923) – the stage of formation of the Ottoman Empire; the second – (1923 – 1950 ) – the stage of modernization and formation of the formation of a new society in Turkey; the third – (1950 – 1980) – the stage of slowing down the development of education; the fourth – (1980 – 2012) – the stage dichotomies in the field of education; the fifth – (2012 – 2020) – stage of globalization of Education. Generalization of scientific and pedagogical sources allowed us to determine that in the process of developing general secondary education in Turkey in 20th century, the emphasis was placed on quantitative changes, rather than on qualitative ones. After half a century of such a policy, the results were generally positive. While before 1990 the majority of Turks wasn’t literate, at beginning of 90s percentage of literate population reached to 70% with the help of educational reforms. 80% of this educated population were men. 90 % of literate people were living in urban areas. However, educated proportion of women living rural areas was only 25%. The article describes the current state and defines the features of the general secondary education system in Turkey. It is worth noting that the content of general secondary education is aimed at globalization and internationalization. It also ensures the formation of a comprehensively developed personality with the ability to creatively solve problems/tasks that arise during life and its preparation for choosing a future profession. Moreover, it helps the use of information and communication technologies in training, the use of active methods of teaching and educating the younger generation, as well as contributing to the creation of the foundation for sustainable growth and development of any nation. Based on the historical and pedagogical analysis of the problems of the development of General secondary education in Turkey at the beginning of the XXI century, the factors that hindered its development were identified: non-compliance of professional training of teachers with the requirements of new reforms; insufficient awareness of the subjects of the educational process about the principles, approaches and conditions of education reform; non-compliance of textbooks with the education system «4+4+4» according to the 2012 reform; non-mandatory preschool education, which slows down the process of socialization of children; lack of readiness of many regions of Turkey for the introduction of compulsory twelve-year education; non-compliance of school equipment with the requirements of the reform (for example, lack of provision of secondary education institutions with information and Communication Technologies, Laboratory accessories, etc.); difficult adaptation of primary school teachers to students who, according to the 2012 reform, went to school at 5,5 years old; early start of vocational education can cause disappointment for young people in the future; the creation of an excessive number of professional religious schools can hinder the development of other areas of professional education for young people in Turkey; dropout rates (especially among women) at all levels and in all types of education remain significant; teachers are not motivated to continue learning; there is still a mismatch in society between the proposals of the continuing education system and the needs of the labor market, as educational institutions and the labor market do not cooperate properly to develop continuous learning; students ' access to digital infrastructure and e-learning materials is insufficient and uneven. It is revealed that the issues facing the development and modernization of education in Turkey are relevant and global for the educational space, in particular Ukraine. This subject should be resolved gradually through the implementation of balanced, theoretically justified and proven reforms in practice. Thus, the analysis of problems that arose in the development of General secondary education in Turkey (the beginning of the XX – first quarter of the XXI century), and ways to solve them, made it possible to determine the positive pedagogical experience of the country and to develop a working curriculum for the course «Development of general secondary education in Turkey (early XX - first quarter of the XXI century)» for masters and graduate students on its basis.



загальна середня освіта, розвиток загальної середньої освіти, реформування освіти, глобалізація освіти, інтернаціоналізація освіти, модернізація освіти, інноваційні технології, профілізація, general secondary education, development of general secondary education, education reform, globalization of education, internationalization of Education, modernization of education, innovative technologies, profilization


Соловей З. П. Розвиток загальної середньої освіти Туреччини (початок XX – перша чверть ХХІ століття) [Текст] : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня канд. пед. наук : [спец.] 13.00.01 "Загальна педагогіка та історія педагогіки" / Злата Павлівна Соловей ; [наук. кер. В. Г. Моторіна] ; М-во освіти і науки України, Держ. ВНЗ "Переяслав-Хмельниц. держ. пед. ун-т ім. Григорія Сковороди". - Переяслав (Київ. обл.), 2021. - 19 с. - Бібліогр.: с. 15-16 (5 назв).