Київська Громада в українському національному русі другої половини ХІХ – початку ХХ ст.

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У роботі на основі наявної історіографії та через залучення широкої джерельної бази представлено історію діяльності Київської Громади та її представників в українському національному русі другої половини ХІХ – початку ХХ ст. Охарактеризовано суспільно-політичні чинники її створення, розкрито вплив просвітницько-педагогічної, науково-інтелектуальної, літературно-мистецької та суспільно-політичної діяльності членів Київської Громади на формування українського національного руху. Показано становище громадівців в умовах політичної реакції влади в Російській імперії. Визначено роль окремих представників цієї українофільської організації в політичному житті країни в кінці ХІХ – на початку ХХ ст. The dissertation strives to accomplish the academic goal of studying the role played by Kyiv Community (Kyivs’ka Hromada) in the Ukrainian national movement during the second half of the 19th century – early 20th century. This unofficial Ukrainophilist organization that had emerged in the late 1850s – early 1860s united prominent scientific and cultural intellectuals for shaping the national idea. As for now, the history of its activities as a key center of Ukrainian national movement within the stated chronological boundaries has not yet been explored comprehensively in domestic historiography. Due to anthropologization of historical knowledge, researchers’ attention is drawn to aspects concerning exploration of socio-political, cultural and enlightenment practices of the Community’s members, their intellectual heritage and biographies. With identification of Kyiv Community participants, analysis of their relations, changes in their outlook and ideology, we are able to recreate the overall picture of the Community’s history and define specific stages in its activity. Working on this academic goal enabled us to reveal the main aspects in the work of Kyiv Community and determine its role in the Ukrainian national movement of the second half of the 19th century - early 20th century. It has been established that the important socio-political factors to promote emergence of Kyiv Community were Ukrainophilist organizations of the early 19th century and prominent figures of Ukrainian national movement such as M. І. Kostomarov, P. O. Kulish, T.G. Shevchenko. Two stages in the existence of Kyiv Community have been distinguished: the late 1850s – 1860s, and the 1870s - early 20th century. Throughout all of its existence, the number of participants fluctuated from 100 to 500 persons who represented various strata of the Ukrainian society. It has been established that an important result at the initial stage of Kyiv Community existence was shaping the Ukrainian national idea by way of implementing enlightenment projects of Ukrainophilist nature: establishment of weekend schools, publication of textbooks and fiction works, collections of folklore materials, creation of a Ukrainian dictionary, and participation of Community members in editorial boards of contemporary newspapers. The Ukrainophilic activity of Kyiv Community members provoked a reactionary response on the part of the authorities. Some of its members were subject to surveillance, prosecution, arrests and expulsion. It has been discovered that in the 1870s – early 20th century the Ukrainian national movement became more intensive, with the growing interest that people developed for studying the past. One of the important areas that the work of Kyiv Community focused on was conducting research on the history of Ukraine, ethnography, regional studies and linguistics, with special attention paid to editorial and publishing activities. Art and culture played an important role in the national revival of Ukraine. A significant step in promoting the idea of national identity was publishing literary works in Ukrainian, founding Ukrainian theaters and developing national music. In the 1870s – early 20th century, Kyiv Community operated against the background of the growing politicization of Ukrainian national movement. Within this time period, cultural and political practices became more differentiated. The socio-political circles, societies, branches, publishing houses and political parties that had been created earlier encouraged implementation of the Ukrainian national project. Since the time of its foundation and until the final stage of its existence, Kyiv Community never had a single form and permanent composition. Originating from university societies of the late 1850s, it transformed into various professional circles and eventually dissolved in socio-political movements of the late 19th century – early 20th century. However, its members always strived to retain the national aspect of their activities and preserve their own identity in the conditions of imperial repression. Our sources suggest that meetings of the Community members varied by their form, and could be private, professionally related, or inspired by socio-political activities. Some of them were more or less typical for different stages throughout the existence of Kyiv Community, and together they made up a mutually coordinated system where principles of the Ukrainophilist movement were shaped. Its academic and enlightenment goals as well as democratic nature and choice of moderate policies to achieve the stated goals can be explained primarily by the views of the people who made it up and tended to prefer systemic and consecutive search for a model of national identity. Based on a wide range of sources and with exploration of data available presently on the members of Kyiv Community and their intellectual heritage, we are able to represent formation of Ukrainian national idea and its gradual transformation within the framework of cultural, educational and political practices.



Громада, Київ, український національний рух, українофіли, інтелігенція, культура, просвітництво, суспільно-політична діяльність, Community, Kyiv, Ukrainian national movement, Ukrainophiles, intellectuals, culture, enlightenment, socio-political activity


Нагайко К. М. Київська Громада в українському національному русі другої половини ХІХ – початку ХХ ст [Текст] : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня канд. іст. наук : [спец.] 07.00.01 "Історія України" / Катерина Миколаївна Нагайко ; [наук. кер. В. П. Коцур] ; М-во освіти і науки України, Держ. ВНЗ "Переяслав-Хмельниц. держ. пед. ун-т ім. Григорія Сковороди". - Переяслав (Київ. обл.), 2020. - 22 с. - Бібліогр.: с. 19-20 (11 назв).