Психологічні особливості розвитку довільної уваги молодших школярів у процесі навчання іноземної мови
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Дисертацію присвячено вивченню процесу розвитку довільної уваги молодших
школярів у процесі навчання іноземної мови.
У роботі розкрито методологічне підґрунтя дослідження, поглиблено зміст
психологічної характеристики уваги як пізнавального процесу. Зазначено, що у
молодших школярів на уроках іноземної мови довільна увага актуалізується через
образ. Останній є не просто результатом уявлення, але й зоровим узагальненням, що
супроводжує мовленнєву експлікацію думки учня завдяки вказівним жестам
З урахуванням результатів теоретичного аналізу наукової літератури встановлено
властивості, стадії, форми та типи довільної уваги особистості. Зазначено, що стадіями
функціонування довільної уваги виступають такі: первинна, предикативна та
вторинна. Типами довільної уваги є фокальний та периферійний. До форм довільної
уваги відносимо механічну, інстинктивну, рефлексивну, вольову та післядовільну.
Розроблено та успішно апробовано у процесі формувального експерименту
структурно-функціональну модель становлення довільної уваги молодших школярів
засобами іноземної мови. Розроблено й апробовано в ході формувального
експерименту психологічний тренінг «Становлення довільної уваги молодших
школярів на уроках іноземної мови», який містить три блоки вправ, покликані
експериментальних груп. З’ясовано психологічні особливості, чинники та умови становлення довільної уваги молодших школярів у процесі навчання іноземної мови. The dissertation deals with the problem of studying a process of the development of
voluntary attention of junior schoolchildren in the process of learning a foreign language
by them.
The methodological basis of the research was revealed, the content of the psychological
characteristics of attention as a cognitive process was deepened. It was noted that as for
pupils from primary school at foreign language lessons their voluntary attention was
actualized through the image. The latter is not just the result of the person’s imagination,
but also a visual generalization that accompanies the verbal explication of pupils’ thoughts
through the teacher’s pointing gestures.
It was noted that the actualization of voluntary attention of junior pupils at the lessons
of a foreign language takes place in a conditional, close to a real life, in the surrounding
space. Thanks to images and creative practices as means of developing voluntary attention,
the speech activity of junior schoolchildren has been actualized. Space becomes
(conditionally) a paradigm of the most significant and valuable content, which originally
embodied a certain image, specially created by a teacher. In other words, the isolation of
this speech image became the basis for the construction of the individual model of the
world by pupils from primary schools. Ritualized real actions, which are contained in their
structure of the “products” of all kinds of creative practices, present a symbolic form of
such kind of a primary image, which is created by schoolchildren from the very beginning
of the actualization of their voluntary attention.
Taking into account the results of theoretical analysis of the scientific literature, the
characteristics, stages, forms and types of voluntary attention of the individual were
established. It was noted that the stages of functioning of voluntary attention are such, as:
a primary stage, predicative and secondary ones. The types of voluntary attention are focal
and peripheral. The forms of voluntary attention include mechanical, instinctive, reflexive,
volitional and post-voluntary ones.
The structural-functional model of the formation of voluntary attention of junior
schoolchildren by means of a foreign language was developed and successfully tested in
the course of formative experiment. The psychological training “The formation of
voluntary attention of junior schoolchildren at the lessons of a foreign language” was also
developed and tested during the formative experiment. It contains three blocks of exercises
designed to update the characteristics of voluntary attention of junior schoolchildren of
experimental groups.
As a result of our research the psychological features of the formation of voluntary
attention of schoolchildren from primary school at the lessons of a foreign language were
established: the success of the formation of voluntary attention of pupils from primary
school is achieved through the implementation of flexible, instinctive, reflective, volitional
and post-volitional forms of the attention. The latter are provided by the characteristics of
voluntary attention (deep attention, its qualitative distribution, rapid switching), the stages
of functioning of voluntary attention (predicative and secondary ones), as well as its focal
type; the productivity of the formation of voluntary attention of junior schoolchildren at
the lessons of a foreign language largely depends on the development of cognitive
processes of subjects of pedagogical interaction, such as: their memory (the ability to
memorize educational material), pupils’ perception (its selectivity, subjectivity), their
imagination (its characteristics: mystical and plastic imagination, creative and active imagination, reproductive one, etc.), as well as the development of a mental operation of
abstraction and a general ability of the individual to comprehend foreign language
material; the success of the formation of voluntary attention of pupils from primary school
at foreign language lessons depends on the teacher’s ability to implement learning
situations of foreign language interaction as authentic ones, to organize cognitive activity
of schoolchildren with the approach of learning to the process of a real life. This will
facilitate the creation of an individual model of the world of pupils, the transfer of
previously acquired knowledge, skills and abilities to further situations of foreign language
interaction with native speakers in the cross-cultural space.
Psychological factors of the formation of voluntary attention of junior schoolchildren by
means of a foreign language were determined: taking into account by the teacher the
characteristics of voluntary attention through the formation of a symbolic or conditional
field that develops simultaneously with the word, and giving importance to the “internal
form” of the latter; the development and the complication of the internal form of speech,
on the basis of which the formation of a foreign language expression of a junior pupil
takes place; the facilitation by the teacher a voluntary attention, which creates an image
that is based on the image in a paradigm of situation of limited conditional field, and there
is a foreign language interaction. It is this mechanism that brings learning situations closer
to real ones, which will be continued in a future life of pupils, will allow them to
“transfer” knowledge, skills and abilities acquired at the lessons to further situations of
foreign language interaction with native speakers in a cross-cultural space.
довільна увага, пізнавальні процеси, первинна довільна увага, предикативна довільна увага, вторинна довільна увага, фокальний тип, периферійний тип, voluntary attention, cognitive processes, primary voluntary attention, predicative voluntary attention, secondary voluntary attention, a focal type, a peripheral type
Ляшенко Л. В. Психологічні особливості розвитку довільної уваги молодших школярів у процесі навчання іноземної мови [Текст] : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня канд. психолог. наук : [спец.] 19.00.07 "Педагогічна та вікова психологія" / Лариса Василівна Ляшенко ; [наук. кер. О. М. Кокун] ; М-во освіти і науки України, Держ. ВНЗ "Переяслав-Хмельниц. держ. пед. ун-т ім. Григорія Сковороди". - Переяслав (Київ. обл.), 2021. - 24с. - Бібліогр.: с. 20-21 (13 назв).